Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Contract Law Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Contract Law Master - Case Study Example This was also the case in Goedecke v Kirwan1where the Court found that an agreement on price was a necessary term of offer and acceptance; hence no final, enforceable contract existed since price had not been agreed upon. Thus Hilary may have some rights under the option, but they may not be fully enforceable. In the case of Barack, he seeks re-possession of his flat. Under the option clause in the agreement, Barack may not have the automatic right to reposses the flat, when there is an option available to the lessee to continue. In the case of Butts v O'Dwyer2 a similar situation arose, where there was an option to purchase the lease property subject to fixing of a price by the third party. In this instance, the Court concluded that it could correctly be said that the complete was incomplete until the price was fixed. The existence of the option indicated that the owner had an obligation to do everything in his power to ensure that the price was fixed through the third party. This is applicable in Hillary's case, since Clauses 5(d) and 17(b) lay out the procedure for fixing of the price in the event an agreement cannot be reached between the parties. ... at Hillary seeks, it may nevertheless place an obligation upon Barack to take necessary steps to ensure that the incomplete term in the contract, i.e, the price is fixed. In the case of Booker Industries Pty Ltd v Wilson Parking (Qld)Pty Ltd3 the situation was very similar to Hilary and Barack's case. In this case, the Court specifically stated that Booker (the lessor in this case) had "no grounds for refusing to discharge its obligation" to appoint an arbitrator merely on the grounds that the rental price was not fixed4. It clearly explained that when specific terms on the appointment of a third party have been set out in the original contract, then it no longer remains as a contingent obligation to be performed first before the ultimate obligation, i.e, re-renting the place can be completed. Since the existing option becomes operation on the day of expiry of the earlier lease, once it has been exercised, it is no longer a "conditional or contingent" obligation5. On this basis, the lessee was entitled to specific performance. Applying this precedent in Hillary's case, it appears that Booker may need to perform his obligation to appoint an arbitrator so the price can be fixed, after which the ultimate obligation, i.e, another lease term can also be accomplished. It must also be noted however, that Clause 4(b) states clearly that the option must be exercised "no later than 2 months prior to the expiration of the initial or previous term". In Hillary's case however, the option has been exercised after this period has expired, therefore there is a possibility that her right to exercise her option may no longer be valid, in which case Barack will not be obliged to perform his obligation to secure a rental price. Part B: The question of whether or not Huckabee has a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Clashes of Race Essay Example for Free

Clashes of Race Essay Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explore racism and discrimination within America. It was also a goal to show the relationships between racial clashes throughout history, and what the purpose behind the clashes was. By showing these clashes society gets a better understand of what triggers these action within society. Running Header: CLASHES OF RACE: UNDERSTANDING THE PURPOSE In the rather complex world in which society dwells on, society lacks appreciation for the simplicity of the universe. one act or idea can spawn certain events that affect the course of history. To understand history, it is essential for society to look at the causes behind the significance of an event. racial discrimination has spawned social clashes between ethnicities for generations, and it continues to do so. to understand the significance of these events, it is important to analyze the source of these racial clashes throughout history. analyzing the sources of these events provides, if any, patterns of human nature in response to mistreatment due to racial profiling. it is also essential to analyze the basic principles of discrimination within the twenty-first century and what society faces in present day. Before analyzing racial discrimination in the twenty-first century, the importance of understanding the different types of racism is needed. There are two types of discrimination that society faces present day, direct discrimination and indirect discrimination. direct discrimination by definition, is when an individual or group is singled out directly by society or an individual based on there race. indirect discrimination is when an individual is singled out surreptitiously by an individual or group. this is more prevalent within present day culture, compared to direct discrimination. The reason being that racism in the twenty-first century is less acceptable among society. the result of racism is that it is less acceptable within modern day society is racism taking on a more enigmatic face. Running Header: CLASHES OF RACE: UNDERSTANDING THE PURPOSE social clashes that resulted from direct discrimination have been apart of america for decades. prime examples of direct discrimination are famously the wars and massacres enacted on early native americans. The reasons for these attacks on native americans were due to new settlers in america wanting to acquire resources from the natives themselves. The colonist’s believed that the natives way of life was inferior to their own, due to the savageness of their own human nature. This is a prime example of micro-aggression in early american culture. Such events such as the â€Å"trail of tears† and many other attacks on the native american’s way of life was justified due to the idea of manifest destiny, which is a belief that the territory was a divine gift to the american colonist. This resulted in constant conflict between american society and native americans in the twenty-first century. it is important to understand how micro-aggression works and operates in the twenty-first century. With modern society changing into a more diversified culture in the United States, it is important to understand how indirect discrimination works in modern society. Society by nature tends to group themselves within certain micro-cultures, it is important to understand this important dynamic due to its purpose within society. this dynamic by nature forces ethnicities to side with a certain set of social norms and values. (West,2004) examples of how this affects modern day society would best be described by conflict with interracial marriages and racial generalization. Ethnic grouping has been apart of america since the beginning of american society. the colonist settled in america based on their religions and values, in which the colonist Running Header: CLASHES OF RACE: UNDERSTANDING THE PURPOSE had previously in britain. more modern examples of ethnic grouping would be groups, such as the black panther party, naacp are examples of more modern cases of ethnic grouping. (Jablonski,2012) the common feature of today’s society, also well known as mass media, has a huge impact on racial conflictions with the populace of todays society. One psychological principle says that if an image or idea is shown repetitively that the image or idea will leave an imprint on the mind, later on making the mind recognize the image or ideology as† normalcy†. (Yosso,2002) the mainstream media controls the public agenda, as well as the emotions reflected within society. the mass media needs to recognize the effect in which it has on society, the purpose of the media should be to promote the truth of a matter accurately. This would help balance out racial out lashes between ethnic neighborhood, as well as riots and other ethnic protest. (Vann,2006) in recent times of society, racism in north america has went through a major transformation, especially after the post-civil rights era where the democrats believed in equality for all types of ethnicities that specifically did not get along throughout the history of racism in society(Wamsted,D,2012). This shows the progression of diversity within America. however, even with change in equality the south still shows a higher percentage of direct discrimination as well as indirect discrimination in modern day society than the north. Some examples of the result of discrimination can best be depicted is social out lashes of an ethnic communities. this can be shown through protest, as well as more Running Header: CLASHES OF RACE: UNDERSTANDING THE PURPOSE serious demonstrations such as riots. the causes of these demonstrations can be a number of reasons, but one pattern that is shown throughout history is that most social out lashes resulted due to mistreatment among their race. an example of this would be the los angeles riots of 1992. The riots resulted from six officers found not guilty that were accused of beating a black male, rodney king. the riots lasted for six days, and resulted in thousands of injuries and fifty-three deaths. (Watts,2011) however, not every protest result in death and injury. through the civil rights era many protesters believed in the nonviolent approach of martin luther king jr. most protesters believed in sit-ins, boycotts, and other forms of nonviolent forms of protest. however, the effects of racism and discrimination has not stopped america from diversifying, but rather fueled individualism among minorities within america. A study shows that more minorities are striving for higher education within america. derek bok reported in 2000 in his book The Shape of the River that eighty-six percent of black students who enrolled in twenty-eight selective universities across the nation were apart of the middle-class or upper-middle class. This shows not only an increase in african american on college campus, but also the percentage of success among blacks with a stable financial backing. This trend is important to understand due to the progression of diversity within america. It is prevalent that not only income have increased among african americans, but also the number of blacks going to college compared to college statistics of the 1990s and 1980s. (Harring-Smith,2012) to understand the importance of an action, is in essence the greatest ideology or knowledge to grasp. for every action within society has an effect on history. The Running Header: CLASHES OF RACE: UNDERSTANDING THE PURPOSE importance of diversity within society continues to show progression. however, racism will always have its place within society. Society has to continue to evolve as well as continue to educate the youth in society to limit the grasp that racism has on america, whether the discrimination is indirect or direct. â€Å"weve got to face the fact that some people say you fight fire best with fire, but we say you put fire out best with water. we say you dont fight racism with racism. were gonna fight racism with solidarity. †-Fred Hampton Running Header: CLASHES OF RACE: UNDERSTANDING THE PURPOSE References: Haring-Smith, T. (2012). Broadening Our Definition of Diversity. Liberal Education, 98(2), 6. Jablonski, N. (2012). The struggle to overcome racism. New Scientist, 215(2880), 26. Vann, A. (2006, June 29). Sometimes the allegation of reverse racism is camouflage for maintaining the status quo. New York Amsterdam News. p. 13. Wamsted, D. J. (2012). Opening Doors for Diversity. Electric Perspectives, 37(3), 26. Watts. (2011). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 1. West, E. (2004). Expanding the Racial Frontier. Historian, 66(3), 552. doi:10. 1111/j. 1540-6563. 2004. 00088. x Yosso, T. J. (2002). Critical Race Media Literacy: Challenging Deficit Discourse about Chicanas/os. Journal Of Popular Film Television, 30(1), 52.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cocaine Essay -- essays research papers

My report is on the drug cocaine. I will tell mainly how it affects the body and nervous system. I also have included where Cocaine comes from to help understand exactly what we’re talking about, and to clear up any misunderstanding about the drug. Cocaine is both a central nervous system stimulant and an anesthetic. It is found in the leaves of the coca plant. The traditional method of coca use is to chew the leaves, producing a mild stimulation. Outside of South America it is generally used in it’s more refined and extracted forms, either powder cocaine, or freebase cocaine and makes a much stronger effect than chewing the leaves. The term "Crack" is alternately used to refer to street quality freebase cocaine, or to refer to the product of a particular manufacturing process, which uses sodium bicarbonate rather than a flammable solvent. Powdered cocaine is mostly snorted and crack or freebase cocaine is generally smoked. Smoking freebase cocaine causes a strong, short-lived peak of about 3-5 minutes, while snorting cocaine provides a lower high with major effects lasting closer to 30 minutes. The Mental facts of Cocaine vary with dose and the tolerance of the user. It increases alertness, wakefulness, elevates the mood, mild to high degree of euphoria, increases athletic performance, decreases fatigue, clearer thinking, increases concentration, increases energy, increased irritability, insomnia, restlessness. With high doses someone may exhibit a pattern of psychosis with confused and disorganized behavior, irritability, fear, paranoia, hallucinations, may become extremely antisocial and aggressive. Physically, it increases heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. It also increases the blood pressure, temperature, pulse, and the respetory system. It dilates the pupils, decreases sleep and appetite, gives you seizures, strokes, heart attacks, and may even cause death. Cocaine comes from the Cocoa plant that mostly grows in South America. Long ago, Inca Indians would chew the leaves to get a mild, but long-lasting stimulation. Chewing the leaves produces no â€Å"high.† Coca is consumed by chewing the leaves with a pinch of lime. Prior to adding the lime, the leaves are chewed to moisten and break them, as well as remove the stalks and strings. Then the... ...ith too little dopamine. As a result, the user suddenly feels sad and depressed. As a result, the user quickly goes for another dose. A lot of people will do almost anything to get cocaine if they are in fact addicted because the drug is so powerful. Another bad thing about this drug is that it often takes more and more of the drug to achieve the same effect, which leads to overdoses. Surprisingly, a lot of Cocaine addicts are football players, weather they are in High School or the NFL. This is true because some football players take the drug so that they get a boost of energy that cocaine gives you. When you are on cocaine, you are basically a machine. You do things that you wouldn’t normally do, just because you can. Sometimes people do things as stupid as racing there dogs as in one story I’ve heard. Why did they do it? They did it because they could. In conclusion, the effect that cocaine has on the body is incredibly powerful. What people have done is taken a small, useful, and almost harmless plant, and transformed it into a problem in today’s society. The plant in South America that was used to relieve hunger, was not meant to be used as such a powerful stimulant. .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Kinko`s Copier Store Essay

1.) The general operational standards can be developed and implemented in all or in a majority of Kinko`s shops. In fact, general operational standards are guidelines and directions for defined activities, which Kinko`s employees have to meet and provide during printing operations. It helps be sure in the product’s quality, which Kinko produces for their customers. Kinko`s is service-oriented company, it has lower degree of labor intensity and higher degree of customer interaction and customization. For printing shops in the customization process of products the major role plays specially standardized step by steps procedures for high-tech specialized equipment and machinary, standardized materials and perfectly providing service operators. 2.) The copiers in machine center should be grouped and sort according to their specific tasks, functions and specialization. For instance, copier-duplexing and copier-duplicators are large machines that combine both functions copying and duplicating and also contains feature to be printed on both sides. In fact, printing functions quite similar, such machines need close or combined printing area and qualified operators. Moreover, Kinko`s Copier Stores should increase the level of self service by introducing convenience copiers outside of store or inside near with entrance in many locations through building. Indeed, the basic activities customers can make themselves. Moreover, Kinko`s Copier Stores should implement special sector for automatic feed and automatic staplers, which will be located near with major printing machines. In fact, close location of cross-functional items will decrease avarege waiting time per customer, increase the service level and decrease labor costs. 3.) Kinko offer binds, folds, staples, collates, makes pads and take passport photos. All the machines and personnel deliberately displays in one big room. Also, Kinko provide private copying and copying service. Private copying like â€Å"professor publishing† provided by company takes lot of working ours. And major problem here is that while working on that order, they will not be able to service all other regular customer. However, Copying service itself has it is own problems related with room where all services provided. People are always peering back to the audience and maybe afraid that someone will see what they copy. So it is inconvenient to have all machines in one place. Kinko’s managers has a case when one women insisted that manager throw away the ribbon on the self- service typewriter she’d just used, fearing that someone might try to use it to re-create her document. It obvious that is costly to the company to throw ribbon after every customer. Tha t is one of example of one more problem that company faced. 4.) We assume that maybe this type of copyright was illegal. Hence, â€Å"professor publishing† is a service that lets professors excerpt chapters from several books and print them up together as a single textbook. Or as Kinko’s says it is one of the most scrupulous of the copy chains and takes lot of time, office works virtually around-the-clock on this order. So as result, maybe they will generate more profit spending time on regular orders than spent ours only on one.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Communication in Early Childhood Education

Communication is a way of understanding each others’ needs and sending or giving messages to each other. Good communication skills are essential for early childhood educators and using these skills will enable students to have better understanding to improve their learning process, and to develop the relationship between teachers and student. Apart from reading, writing, speaking and listening, teachers’ facial expressions and body language also contributes to communicating with students. A child enters a different world in classroom situation.The child is part of a new family made up of the teacher and fellow classmates from different cultural backgrounds. It is therefore important that the teacher pay attention to their own non-verbal language. Non verbal language includes posture, gestures, eye contact and facial expressions (Grellier & Goerke, 2010, p. 186). In the early childhood education, teachers also need to be able to interpret information and understand not o nly from listening to the child but by observing the students through their drawings and behaviour (Wright-Jackson, 2012).Drawings are a way of communicating information to young children. Wright (2005) discusses the importance of teachers using drawings to further develop students’ verbal communication, thinking and knowledge. Reggio Emilio is an early learning centre in NSW and they believe in the theory that children are born with an amazing potential and wide range of abilities, for a child, language is never limited to speech (from website www. reggioemilio. com. au). Through good communication skills teachers will be able evaluate the child’s knowledge and understanding before, during and after the lesson.Good note-taking and observation skills will assist teachers to nurture and support students’ learning (McMillan, 2011). Communications skills are constantly in use during the day in the classroom however teachers are also required to communicate this inf ormation or progress of the student to parents and other teachers or support teachers. By observing students’ involvement in the classroom teachers can assess what areas the students requires further assistance (McMillan, 2011).Non verbal language is another way of sending and receiving messages, it is another form of communication and very important for teachers in the classroom (Miller, P. W. , 2005). Miller (2005) addresses non verbal communication as â€Å"communication without words† and that facial expressions, eye contact, touching and tone of voice are all part of this communication. Awareness of non verbal communication can enable teachers to receive more information from the students and also have the ability to send positive signals that improve the students’ learning, whilst avoiding negative signals that would stifle their learning (Miller, P.W. , 2005). In western cultures all listeners – whatever their age or gender and educational level ar e expected to maintain eye contact with people they are listening to (Grellier & Goerke, 2010, p. 186). Making eye contact would interpret openness and honesty, while avoiding eye contact may indicate that something is wrong (Miller, P. W. , 2005). The teacher will need to understand that students from different cultural backgrounds and upbringing will not always share the same behaviour ideals. In some cultures it is accepted to avoid eye contact with their elders as it is a sign of respect ( Grellier & Goerke, 2010).Overcoming this hurdle by carefully explaining to students and parents would assist in a better relationship between the student and teacher. Using direct eye contact and observing facial expressions, the teacher will be able to connect with the student and establish the child’s interest in the discussion (McMillan, 2011, p. 104). Experienced teachers will be able to judge a student’s level of interest and understanding through the student’s eyes. Eye contact is a powerful communication tool that allows teachers to connect with students (Miller, P.W. , 2005). Miller (2005) explains that teachers can tell when students understand the lesson or if they are struggling through the student’s body postures and gestures. A student that is interested in the lesson or discussion will generally â€Å"sit up straight† and focus on the teacher, whilst a student that is â€Å"bored or discouraged† will slump into the chair (Miller, P. W. , 2005). Facial expression can determine both the teachers and students feelings, a smile will present a â€Å"warm and open invitation for communication† (Miller, P. W. 2005) which is essential in the classroom environment. As students in early childhood education will still be developing verbal communication skills, teachers are able to communicate ideas through drawings (Wright-Jackson, 2012). Drawings are easier for younger children to read, as they recognise drawings or pi ctures better compared to written words. Miller (2005) states that teachers can use drawing as a communication and learning tool when working with young children, in a way the drawings will act as a second voice for children.As a child’s reading and writing skills are developing drawing is an alternative for the child to express their ideas and can assist students with literacy as children read through their drawings. In the early stages of mathematics teachers use drawings to assist students with recognising quantity, addition, subtraction and length. The sample works provided in the Australian Curriculum for mathematics in Foundation Year show students are taught Foundation Year maths through drawings. For a child in Foundation Year pictures would be easier to understand compared to numbers when adding.A teacher in early childhood education needs to able to communicate information to parents and other support teachers. Through observations in the classroom, a teacher will a ble evaluate students progress before, during and after the lesson. Where additional special education teacher is required the classroom teacher will seek assistance and discuss the required support with the appropriate staff member. This is evident in the video Language support (Falck,2011),two teachers discuss lesson planning and explain to each other what they would like to focus on and how.Communication between the two teachers establishes the most beneficial ways to implement lessons. Listening skills are essential part of communicating in early childhood education, the video Listening skills for staff (Aron, 2011), raises the importance of listening to children and allowing them to discuss topics of their choice With the assistance of parents the children are encouraged to fill in their profile books with photos or pictures of their discussion topics. The teacher listens to child’s explanation of events by responding to their comments and gestures, keeping eye contact a t all times with the chid.Another point made in the video show children selecting books of their choice, teachers prefer children to pick books that want read to them. The child chooses the book that would like to listen to. By following this example teachers are able to have the child interested in the activity because it is through choice of the child. Teachers’ observations in the classroom of students’ progress is documented on a daily basis to assist teachers with assessment and evaluation of understanding.This information is then provided as feedback to students and parents, when communicating this information it should be expressed in way to encourage students’ motivation for learning. Communicating information to parents is another task for teachers which can be done verbally or written in the form of letters or school reports (McMillan, 2011). Early childhood educators have an important task to prepare young students for the years ahead. Good communicat ion skills are essential for early childhood educators as many young students are only at the beginning to learn and develop these skills.An early childhood teacher uses communication skills throughout the day to prepare and instruct lessons, observe students progress, consult other staff members or support teachers and parents. A teacher delivers messages through many ways and such communication skills as reading, talking, listening and body language is used to convey these messages. Understanding students through listening to their narration of events and requests can assist teachers to improve communication between the teacher and student.Students’ non verbal language will also assist teachers when observing them during class, teachers will be able to acknowledge interest and understanding during instruction. Teachers should pay attention to developing these skills as they are vital as teaching skills to deliver and receive the right messages to students. A child is learni ng everyday and through good communication skills from both teachers and parents they can be prepared for increased communication in the future.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Countering Terrorism Essays - Biological Warfare, Nuclear Weapons

Countering Terrorism Essays - Biological Warfare, Nuclear Weapons Countering Terrorism Countering Terrorism There are currently more than 1500 terrorist organizations and groups being monitored in the United States. Terrorists by definition kill people and destroy property in order to advance a political agenda. We must make every effort to protect American citizens from these attacks. In the future that will require both state of the art measures to monitor terrorist activities and the movement of materials used for these activities, but also response scenarios in the event of an actual incident. The United States has consistently set a good example of no negotiations with terrorists and attempting to bring alleged terrorists to trial. We need to support humanitarian, political, and educational efforts to decrease the incidence of terrorism across the world. That includes measures to eliminate the production and deployment of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. We need to maintain a high level of vigilance to protect the security of the United States. The FBI is the lead agency in the the fight against terrorism. This FBI has been very effective in coordinating the efforts of other agencies. They have been successful in finding the perpetrators of terrorist activity and preventing many terrorist incidents. The problem is that no federal agency can be expected to find all of the terrorists, before they commit violent crimes. The bombing incidents at the World Trade Center and Oklahoma City are two examples. In both of these incidents, conventional explosives technology was used to kill people and destroy property. There are current efforts coordinated by the FBI to obtain intelligence on the groups that would use these methods and intercept them before the incidents occur. These incidents will continue to require concerted efforts by national and international law enforcement agencies. But there are possible incidents that could lead to greater loss of life. Those incidents would occur if terrorists used biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons. Bioterrorism Bioterrorism is using biological warfare agents to commit terrorist crimes. There are various estimates of the effects of terrorists releasing various biological weapons on an unsuspecting population. The Johns Hopkins University Center for Civilian Biodefense suggest that the three most likely biological agents that could be used include smallpox, anthrax, and plague. There are several other bacteria, viruses, and biological toxins that are also considered candidates for biological warfare or terrorism. On October 1, 1999 Dr. Kanatjan Alibekov, a former Soviet military officer who was second in command of their biological weapons division appeared on ABC News Prime Time Live. He had defected from the Soviet Union in 1992. He wrote a classified report at that time that this program had produced hundreds of tons of anthrax and several tons of small pox virus and plague bacteria. He said that the Russians were continuing to actively work on biological weapons. This allegation was subsequently denied by Russian officials. The most significant threat from biological weapons currently has to do with the security of the Russian supply of these materials. Because these weapons are inexpensive to produce and deploy there are concerns that they may be the agents of choice for some states that sponsor terrorist activity. The World Health Organization has estimated the lethality of these weapons. The lethality of smallpox, anthrax, and plague are given in the table below: Agent Case Fatality Rate Treatment and Prevention Smallpox 30% Vaccination Anthrax 80% Vaccination, Antibiotics Plague 50% Vaccination, Antibiotics The Working Group on Civilian Biodefense has concluded that of the total number of known biological agents only a few would be suitable as weapons of mass destruction. Various estimates about the lethality of these agents are available. A 1993 report by the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment estimates that an aircraft release of 50 pounds of anthrax spores over a large metropolitan area would result in 130,000 to 3 million deaths. This is the same magnitude of the expected casualties expected in a nuclear attack. The main problem in the case of a biological weapon attack is recognition of the illness and taking the appropriate treatment measures. Some of the symptom presentations are difficult to figure out, and any delay in diagnosis can lead to further poor outcomes and further spread of the illness. If the attack is not announced, the only early sign may be a large increase in serious respiratory disease in a community. Nuclear Terrorism Nuclear terrorism is a consequence of nuclear proliferation and advanced technology. As early as 1980, the Soviet Union and the United States produced working suitcase sized nuclear weapons that could be used for the purpose of terrorism. The United States subsequently disposed of these weapons. Dr. Alexie Yablokov gave testimony to the Research and Development Subcommittee in 1997 and asserted that these suitcase bombs exist and that many were unaccounted for. The Committee Chairman, Representative Curt Weldon said that in other contacts as many as 132 of these devices were built in Russia and that

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Football World Cup The WritePass Journal

The Football World Cup The Football World Cup .   The introduction of the Internet, ever-increasing wages and transfer fees for players, the Bosman ruling, increased media coverage of games, footballers gaining celebrity status have all changed the game in some way.   Similarly, stars such as David Beckham and Wayne Rooney are known just as much for what they do off the pitch as they are for what they do on it.   Hence, they are also not allowed to be just a working class lad.   They have to be spectacularised as much as the game itself. Spectacularisation therefore is defined by Macionis and Plummer (2007) as a kind of ‘mediated simulacrum’ by which everyone is watching the same event where everything is blown up to Widescreen proportions (Macionis and Plummer: 2008: 84)beyond reality to hyperreality.   The concept of a mediated simulacrum comes from the ideas of the literary critic Jean Baudrillard who maintained that the media image as seen on the television and the Internet is this ‘mediated simulacrum’. Topor (2010), citing Baudrillard, states that: The media itself is therefore responsible for this breakdown of reality since it only provides us with simulated events and communications. As long as there is media, there will exist a simulation and reproduction of signs that constitute reality.   The relation of media to simulation is an investigation into the idea of unknowable reality (Topor: 2002: no page number given). In   terms of blowing up from reality to hyperreality   it could be argued that the propaganda of the Italian government on the run-up to the 1934 World Cup helped maintain public excitement in the upcoming event.   According to Gordon and London (2007), wireless ownership in Italy was low compared to other countries but people often listened to the radio collectively in public places (Tomlinson and Young: 2008: 46). Moreover, they were often listening to sports programmes.   However, according to Gordon and London (2007), citing Ricanatesi:1978): The rapid acceleration of state initiatives in radio, from the early 1930’s, coincided with the build up to the World Cup, and the role of radio in football was immeasurably enhanced following the debut in 1933 of commentator Niccolo Carosio, whose florid, creative and decidedly non-technical broadcasts..Radio sales saw a spurt for the World Cup (Tomlinson and Young: 2007: 46) Even though the audience would not have been the same in terms of size and the technology used would only have been the radio broadcast to a select few who had wirelesses, the effect of making the real into hyper-reality would have been the same. As mentioned above by Whannel (1992), part of the spectacularisation of football has been the removal of the maximum wage as well as an increase in transfer fees paid from one club to another.   In terms of the professionalization of players it is also only part of the story.   Indeed, players now command huge weekly wages and transfer fees which have become increasingly larger over the decades.   To put things in perspective, Nottingham Forest paid out  £1 million for Trevor Francis in 1980 and this was considered to be the most expensive transfer ever.   He became the first ‘million pound player’ in the world.   In 2010, Real Madrid paid out  £100 million pounds for Cristiano Ronaldo.   Both of these transfers are put into perspective when it is considered that all of the 1930 World Cup team had other jobs as well as being international football players (Lisi: 2008: 8). As well as this, players are now members of professional bodies (like the PFA in England or even the FA) and as such they are subject to rules of conduct and behaviour in much the same way as other professions are.   In this way, they are more socially controlled.   According to Macionis and Plummer (2007) professionalization means that: Sports are not just played. Now they have ‘elite groups’-the professional organizations which mark both standards (and boundaries) of skill. Sports are socially controlled and regulated (Macionis and Plummer:   2007:84). Postmodernised sport, as defined by Macionis and Plummer (2008: 84), represents a splintering and increase of the amount of sports played.   It also represents differing groups playing their own versions of a sporting event (‘Gay Olympics’, Paralympics).   However, the part of the definition as put forward by Macionis and Plummer (2008: 84), is the idea that the World Cup is becoming ‘more and more a media event’.   Obviously, this is also connected to all of the other aspects of how the World Cup has changed.   Commercialisation and consumption have made it possible for the World Cup to be more visible to more people by providing the revenue as well as the means to do so.   Globalisation has been made possible by the technology used to beam the events into every country throughout the world.   Spectacularisation has meant that world events like the World Cup are not just covered by the media.   They are heightened from reality to hyper-reality by means of HD televisions and interactivity through the Internet.   In this way, postmodernisation or the process of postmodernism can be explained. Roughly interpreted, postmodernism is not actually easy to define but the clearest definition is: Postmodernism is largely a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific , or objective, efforts   to explain reality.   In essence, it stems from a recognition that reality is not simply mirrored in human understanding of it, but rather, is constructed as the mind tries to understand its own particular and personal reality ( So in the case of the ‘postmodernisation’ of football and the World Cup in particular it is the way in which football has been etched onto the public consciousness by repeated images (Electronic, printed and broadcast)that has made the World Cup a postmodernised concept. Conclusion This is obviously as far removed from the World Cup’s early beginnings at it could possibly be.   However, the seeds were already being sown especially in light of the efforts made by the Italian government on the run-up to 1934 to enhance the experience of the Italian public of what was rapidly becoming their national sport. Since that time the World Cup has become an international event which has seen many things happen and has made sure that these events have been broadcast to the viewing public (though in the case of the shooting of the Colombian player in 1994 that was not the case). The goal-that-never-was in the 1966 World Cup final, Pele,   Banks’ save in 1970, The Hand of God incident in 1986, the penalty shootouts in 1990; the list could go on and on.   However, they have all been written into the public consciousness by an ever-increasingly knowing publicity machine which now uses a combination of media coverage and merchandising to get its point across. In turn , the World Cup has come to represent each nation’s feelings and aspirations about itself.   Political events which have remained in the background of events on the field have shown themselves in the way that rivalries have been maintained, victories have been celebrated and defeats have been commiserated.   This fact has been true ever since the first World Cup but has been accentuated by the increase in technology and the amount of distance covered by electronic signals to bring these projected images into the lounges and bars of the worldwide population. Reference List Critcher, C, (1979), ‘Football since the War’ IN: Clarke, C, Critcher, C and Johnson, R (Eds.), ‘Working Class Culture, Hutchinson, London Gordon, R, and London, J (2006), ‘Chapter 3: Italy 1934: Football and Fascism’,IN: Tomlinson A and Young, C (eds.) (2006) ‘National Identity and Global Sports Events: Culture, Politics and Spectacle in the Olympics and the Football World Cup’, State University of New York Press, State University of New York, Albany NY   USA Lisi, CA, (2011), ‘A History of the World Cup 1930-2010’, Scarecrow Press, Maryland, USA Macionis, JJ, and Plummer, K (2007), ‘Sociology: A Global Introduction’, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, England Topor, J (2002), ‘Simulation, simulacrum, definition of’, Available at Whannel, G, (1992), ‘Media Sports Stars: Masculinities and Moralities, Routledge Press, London, ‘consumption’ Available at Definition of postmodernism available at, no author given

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Harold Long Form Improv Game Activity

The Harold Long Form Improv Game Activity The Harold is a long form improv activity first developed in the 60s by theater director/teacher Del Close. Long-form improvisational activities allow actors more time to develop believable characters and organic storylines. Whether the performance is a comedy or a drama is entirely up to the cast members. Long form improv can last from 10 to 45 minutes (or beyond)! If done well, it can be absolutely mesmerizing. If done poorly it can elicit snoring sounds from the audience. It begins with a suggestion from the audience. Can someone name an object?Okay, people, choose an emotion.What is an activity you did yesterday?Name your favorite / least favorite word. Once selected, the word, phrase, or idea becomes the centerpiece for the Harold. There are limitless ways to begin the improv. Here are a few possibilities: Each cast member delivers an impromptu monolog.A word association game is played.The cast does an interpretative dance based on the suggestion.Each cast member recaps a personal (or fictional) memory connected with the audiences suggestion. The Basic Structure During the opener, cast members should listen intently and utilize some of the material In later scenes. The opening scene is usually followed by: Three vignettes related to the theme.A group theater game (involving some or all cast members).Several more vignettes.Another group theater game.Two or three final scenes that pull together the various themes, characters, and ideas that have been developing throughout the performance. Heres an example of what might happen: The Opener Cast member: (Speaking cheerfully to the audience.) For our next scene, we need a suggestion from the audience. Please name the first word that comes to mind. Audience Member: Popsicle! The cast members might then gather around, pretending to look at a popsicle. Cast Member #1: You are a popsicle. Cast Member #2: You are cold and sticky. Cast Member #3: You are in a freezer next to the waffles and beneath the empty ice cube tray. Cast Member #4: You come in many flavors. Cast Member #1: Your orange flavor tastes like orange. Cast Member #2: But your grape flavor tastes nothing like a grape. Cast Member #3: Sometimes your stick tells a joke or a riddle. Cast Member #4: A man in an ice cream truck carries you from one neighborhood to the next, while sugar-starved children chase after you. This can go on a lot more, and as stated above there are many different variations of the Harold beginning. Typically, whatever is mentioned in the opening might become a theme or a topic of an upcoming scene. (Thats why having a good memory is a bonus for Harold participants.) Stage One Next, the first set of three brief scenes begins. Ideally, they might all touch upon the theme of popsicles. However, the actors may choose to draw out other ideas mentioned in the moderators monolog (childhood nostalgia, dealing with grown-ups, sticky food, etc). Scene A1: Hyperactive children pester their mother for a popsicle, but first they must do their chores.Scene A2: A popsicle discusses life in the freezer with his friends Mr. and Mrs. Waffle.Scene A3: A trainee experiences her first day at the Popsicle Factory, working as a writer of lame jokes to be placed on the popsicle stick. Noises, music, cast member gestures, and interaction can take place throughout, helping to transition from one scene to him next. Stage Two: Group Game Whereas the previous scenes may have involved several cast members, Stage two typically involves the entire cast. Note: The games used should be organic. They might be something often seen in improv shows, such as freeze or alphabet; however, the game could also be something spontaneously created, some sort of pattern, activity or scene structure that one cast member generates. the fellow cast members should be able to tell what the new game is, then join in. Stage Three The group game is followed by another series of vignettes. The cast members may choose to broaden or narrow the theme. For example, each scene might explore The History of Popsicles. Scene B1: Popsicles during Cavemen TimesScene B2: Popsicles during the Middle Ages.Scene B3: Popsicles during the Old West. Stage Four Another game is in order, preferably involving the entire cast. This one should be very lively to build the energy for the final portions of the Harold. (In my humble opinion, this is the perfect spot for an improvised musical number but it all depends on Stage Five Finally, the Harold concludes with several more vignettes, hopefully calling back to several of the topics, ideas, even characters that have been explored earlier in the piece. Possible examples (although it seems counter-intuitive to give written out examples of improv ideas!) Scene C1: Caveman experiences worlds first case of brain freeze.Scene C2: Mr. and Mrs. Waffle decide to see other people; she visits the fridge.Scene C3: The Ice Cream Man is on his death bed, and his life flashes before his eyes. If the cast members are clever, which I am sure they are, they could tie the ending with material from the beginning. However, the Harold doesnt need to tie everything together to be fun or successful. A Harold might begin with a specific topic (like popsicles) but drift away too many different subjects, themes, and characters. And thats fine too. Remember, any improv game can be changed to suit the needs of the cast and the audience. Have fun with the Harold!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

IT Failures in History and How They Could Have Been Avoided Research Paper

IT Failures in History and How They Could Have Been Avoided - Research Paper Example Why did the companies never focus on advertising as they would have? While researching this topic, I realized that some of the products were not globally recognized. Why were the products not globally known to consumers all around the world? May be the communication was not good enough. The most important question that prevails in my mind is that why the communication networks were not used as extensively as they would have to market the high-tech products? (Flyvbjerg, 2011). From this situation of products of IT falling in the market, we can derive that there was a lack of communications all across the globe. Particularly, there is a desperate need for efficient teamwork which makes sure that the whole organization thinks the same way. Famous leaders, such as Cameron have comprehended that a mutual structure for a strong hand by the government will ensure enhanced communications. The communications process should be well recognized and well integrated all across the organization (So urcing Shangri-La, 2011). The worldwide language of end-to-end business procedure has to be holistic particularly. The whole communication process has to be well integrated within the organization so that it spends enough on advertising and promotion to let people know of the company’s products. The combination of risks, analysis, compliance, quality, and document has to well integrate in the firm. Different stakeholder groups have to be treated differently by the management of the firm to support IT processes with the businesses. Also, bolster the people through continuous improvement of the organization (Sourcing Shangri-La, 2011). These problems, issues and questions have been answered by prestigious leaders in the field of Information Technology. As described earlier, an integrated system of communications has to be used by the company. Obviously, this is not an easy task practically. Theoretically, it seems like it is clear and neat but realistically, it is not. Complete execution of communications also goes through confrontation which is beyond the normal pace of work (The TIME Magazine). It is difficult to shift the whole culture of information technology communications to welcome simplicity and new levels of accountability and visibility in the organization. But, there is an even greater reason for just adhering to things and viewing change as hazardous. It is because management wants to keep a level of control and certainty to itself which is prevalent in the cases of bigger projects. The project control cannot be lost and so all activities need to be coordinated within the organization for a much wide viewpoint. This is the prime way that huge IT failures can be avoided or eschewed and millions of dollars could be saved (The TIME Magazine). Approximately ninety percent of all SMEs close down almost two years after losing data that could never get recovered. According to the Manager Director at City Lifeline, Roger Keenan, SME’s are the ones most susceptible to data losses as six hours of downtime makes pay for a working day. It is important for SMEs to save files not only on hard drives but also on secure and protected locations which are off the site. Also, collocation data centers assist in these disasters when all the information is gone by safeguarding the servers and equipments which are

Friday, October 18, 2019

An overview of Mobile Commerce and Mobile Banking solution for the Essay

An overview of Mobile Commerce and Mobile Banking solution for the Unbanked in Sub Saharan Africa - Essay Example One of the cornerstone Internet technologies that have emerged in recent years is electronic commerce. Electronic commerce does not simply provide convenience to merchants and retailers, but has revolutionized many aspects of banking and even social life. One of the prominent sub-elements of electronic is mobile commerce. This is the combination of electronic commerce with mobile handset technology. This thesis specifically provides an overview of electronic commerce and the means by which it has been integrated with mobile technology. The thesis implements literature sources and industrial and practical articles from the telecommunications and mobile industries. The research is categorized in three main sections: the history of electronic commerce, GSM network elements, and finally the implementation of mobile commerce banking solutions in Sub Saharan Africa. In terms of the history of electronic commerce, background elements examine the way electronic commerce is implemented in con temporary contexts as compared to historical contexts. This section also examines the means of past and future growth of electronic commerce. ... The final section considers the implementation of mobile commerce banking solutions in sub Saharan Africa, with particular emphasis on Kenya. This section recognizes that there are a variety of mobile banking solutions that have gained widespread popularity in the region. This popularity is partially motived by the large-scale need for banking solutions for individuals with non-traditional incomes. The two major banking solutions considered in these regards are the M-PESA Banking solution and the Gemalto Mobile Banking solution. The technological aspects are examined, as well as the means of security they provide. Acknowledgements This thesis owes its existence to the help, support, and inspiration of many people. In the first place, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my supervisor Dr.Konstantinos Markantonakis for many hours of useful discussion, tirelessly reading and correcting my work, and suggesting many invaluable comments. Without his support, thi s thesis would not have been possible. I am also indebted to Dr. Chez Ciechanowicz for their care and guidance throughout my Master at Royal Holloway. In addition, I would like to thank the staff and colleagues in the Information Security Group for making my time at Royal Holloway an enjoyable one. Finally, and most importantly, I am most grateful to my family for their continuous and unconditional support throughout the period of my studies. Contents Abstract 2 Acknowledgment 3 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 8 1.1 BACKGROUND......................................................................................................8 1.1.1 The growth of e-Commerce/ m-Commerce...........................................8 1.2 Motivation

Ethnocentric and Eurocentric Translations Research Paper

Ethnocentric and Eurocentric Translations - Research Paper Example The cultural identities have the tendency to strongly influence the behaviors, acts, and attitudes of the people in each and every facet of their lives. The cultural competencies take the shape of very complex phenomenon when a translator came across this issue. The translator can best perform its responsibilities when he is well aware of the complexities that exist between different cultures and he knows how to justifiably deal with the cultural issues while translating the material from one language to another. (Lefevere and Andrà ©, 1992) A good translator is supposed to be well aware of the importance and role of the differences between different cultures (Brislin and Richard, 1976). However, there is also a possibility that the translator acts as an ambassador of a particular culture and neglects the depth of the other cultural contribution by translating it into less effective words, phrases or language. Earlier the translator was not exposed to the concept of cultural differences and he was not supposed to follow the importance of cultural differences while doing the translations. The early definitions of translation also focus upon replacing a word with equivalent text regardless of its cultural expression (Catford, 1965). However, gradually there was awareness about the importance of keeping in view the cultural difference while translating material from one language to other. (Hatim et al, 2006) The awareness about studying the cultural differences during the translations was felt during the time of ancient Rome.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Digital Marketing Bagel Nash report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Digital Marketing Bagel Nash report - Essay Example Their bakery range provides bagel bars and bagel to both food service as well as retail customers (Bagelnash, n.d.). Bagel Nash is the highest search term on Google. There is limited digital presence as the digital communication is done through the company website only and it does not invest a lot of money or time in digital marketing. However, it has its existence on Facebook , Instagram as well as on twitter but does not have its own app. A complete analysis on the digital presence and strategy of this company will be discussed later in this report. The main purpose of this report is to provide a marketing strategy to achieve the planned digital objectives to benefit Bagel Nash in the field of improving their existing digital presence. A comprehensive micro as well as macro analysis is conducted. The report also encompasses implementation plan to give details of the activities and when those activities are to be executed. The key findings of content analysis are: Focus is on the internal and external factors which have affected the Bagel Nash; they should also pay attention on the human resources for successful packaging and service; a test was conducted in order to witness the experience of customers when they are trying to collect the information from the Bagel Nash website; total number of visits made on each device and on every mobile gadget within the last month has been shown. It indicates that desktop version has received the maximum number of new users as compared to the mobile and tablets. Moreover, it was also found that maximum number of new users is generated from Apple iPhone to view the Bagel Nash website. The facebook page report shows that the target customers are mostly youngsters but it was also noticed that the people of middle age group are also enjoying the fast food offered by Bagel Nash. The main aim of competitor scrutiny is to present a complete

School paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

School paragraph - Essay Example During the same first year I associated with a group of rotten kids who never cared about anything leave alone even what brought them in high school, and as a result my social life suffered too. In my second year I continued to struggle with motivational issues in my core classes of biology and mathematics, but like in my first year I ended up in classes that I enjoyed such as chemistry. But that year never went to waste like my first year as I successfully managed to expand my social life by ditching out the group of bad kids and started hanging out with a group of more responsible students. As we approached third year, I was able to turn my high school education around due to the moral boost I got from my new group of friends. During the fourth year, I enjoyed staying in the hall for long time doing projects, and also interacting with some of my friends. This helped me both academically and socially too as I was able to get my up to date girlfriend whom though we had stayed together for only six months before I completed my studies she had completely changed my life for good. Through her I came to know that people really respect and enjoy the person that you really are inside, and if they don’t, they are not really your friend. All these experience from first year to fourth year changed me in a large way. Coming to high school I was shy, unmotivated young man who didn’t know what he wanted with life but through all those experiences that I went through, I left high school as a man who was mature, outgoing, and very sure of myself. Those experiences taught me to believe in myself and always to have hope and confidence in every activity I engage in to in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Digital Marketing Bagel Nash report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Digital Marketing Bagel Nash report - Essay Example Their bakery range provides bagel bars and bagel to both food service as well as retail customers (Bagelnash, n.d.). Bagel Nash is the highest search term on Google. There is limited digital presence as the digital communication is done through the company website only and it does not invest a lot of money or time in digital marketing. However, it has its existence on Facebook , Instagram as well as on twitter but does not have its own app. A complete analysis on the digital presence and strategy of this company will be discussed later in this report. The main purpose of this report is to provide a marketing strategy to achieve the planned digital objectives to benefit Bagel Nash in the field of improving their existing digital presence. A comprehensive micro as well as macro analysis is conducted. The report also encompasses implementation plan to give details of the activities and when those activities are to be executed. The key findings of content analysis are: Focus is on the internal and external factors which have affected the Bagel Nash; they should also pay attention on the human resources for successful packaging and service; a test was conducted in order to witness the experience of customers when they are trying to collect the information from the Bagel Nash website; total number of visits made on each device and on every mobile gadget within the last month has been shown. It indicates that desktop version has received the maximum number of new users as compared to the mobile and tablets. Moreover, it was also found that maximum number of new users is generated from Apple iPhone to view the Bagel Nash website. The facebook page report shows that the target customers are mostly youngsters but it was also noticed that the people of middle age group are also enjoying the fast food offered by Bagel Nash. The main aim of competitor scrutiny is to present a complete

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organization Development Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Organization Development Change - Essay Example From this essay it is clear that  professional development deals with improvement of individual’s effectiveness in practise, while organizational development entails the ways in which organizations can be enhanced through   overall   productivity,   human   fulfilment, and the response that is necessary towards the   environment.  Ã‚  This study highlights that  scholars such as Rittel and Weber have proposed the concept of wicked  Ã‚   problems and wicked projects as a class of problems that has difficulty in definition and has no ultimate solution. Moreover, they argue that these wicked problems are found in several forms that are in different organizations, as well as, environments. It is worth noting that wicked problems generate from a dense network of interconnected factors that are challenging in understanding how a particular decision is viable towards influencing decisions in other areas.  Change has numerous definitions that go in line with where it has been used. Never the less, a change agent could be best explained as a helper, advisor, coach, and leader or consultant. Its main function is the catalyst effect that entails bringing change to an organization or businesses in specific ways.   In light of this, many companies, as well as, organizations hire change agents to foresee specific changes in organizations.  The practitioner must be adversely knowledgeable about organization development theory.... It is expected that the practitioner has self management skills which makes it easier to practise interpersonal skills to members of the organization. Besides, the practitioner must be adversely knowledgeable about organization development theory (Beyerlin and Marauhn, 2011). Of importance to note is that change is constant as it occurs in both national and international levels, over and above, physical environment particularly in ways that organizations are structured and ways in which the organizations operated politically, socially and economically. Apparently, the world has become so complex and is continuously integrated to the extent of changes that seem too far being affective. Moreover, change appear to be frequent and random, a situation that makes the world a global village. According to Fitzmaurice 2009, incredible amount of change that is being witnessed globally has put the world in a position where individuals and organizations are now able to see the big picture in rel ation to how events are affecting them and vise versa. Change Applications Application of organization development in terms of change ensures that organizations and individuals are aware of the changes and how they are affecting them. Besides, the applications of organizational development support individuals and organizations to deal with change through events such as team building efforts and improvement of functions within the organization, over and above, those that are external through the introduction of planned change efforts (Griffiths 2007). In every organization development change, there are three practitioners’ who are involved ensuring that there is change in

Monday, October 14, 2019

Community Policing Essay Example for Free

Community Policing Essay 1. Explain the concept Total Quality Management (TQM) and give examples of each stage of the process (Lesson Two Notes and Internet Research). TQM is a structured approach to organizational management. It entails several steps to identify, assess and implement solutions to problems. The first step is to identify a problem: This could be a patient complaint or an internal process that is not working. The next step would be to assess any needed corrective action. This is done through teamwork and collaboration by brainstorming on how the complaint can be resolved or what part of the process is not working. The questions to ask are; how can we improve? Additional steps are implementing the new process and checking the quality to see if it is actually an improvement. This is done through feedback, surveys and visual observance. 2. How is the nature of crime changing? What types of crimes do you feel we will have to deal with in the future, possibly some that we presently do not deal with? Crime has been changing in numerous ways. With the internet, to name a few, there are crimes of fraud, identity theft and hackers using spam and viruses to steal information and funds. Bank robberies are occurring online and criminals are avoiding the risk of getting caught by robbing them in person. New drugs are manufactured or smuggled into the US constantly and law enforcement is not able to keep up. With the advancements of electronic technology, I foresee many crimes being committed against people who use electronics solely for protecting their home, investments, etc. Hackers will be able to bypass any home security system and gain entry through electronic means. We will no longer be safe in the fortress we thought was solid. Another crime that has the potential to escalate is the creation and selling of coins simila r to bitcoins. Because they are relatively new, people don’t know much about them and take a risk in investing in them. I can visualize fraud and Ponzi type crimes as a result. 3. Explain what is meant by the title of Chapter Two: Engaging in a Changing Society. Be sure to give examples. Actually the title is â€Å"Partnerships in a Changing Society† and discusses the relationship between the community and police as times change. This includes a number of concepts like; communitarianism, in which a community is given the rights and responsibilities to take care of itself by  developing community watches, preventing drug dealers from selling in their neighborhoods; social capital, which is a form of bonding between the community and its individuals, like churches and schools. And last but not least there are volunteers who provide an invaluable service to the police free of charge. These services range from fundraising to helping out in soup kitchens. 4. How does the traditional police organization contrast with the community problem solving strategy of community policing? There are several ways traditional policing contrasts with COPPS. Initially, the government was solely responsible for ensuring laws were enforced while now, both the public and police work together to prevent crimes. In the past, issues important to the police were not important or not taken seriously by other public service departments. In today’s policing, they all assume some responsibility in trying to improve quality of life. Crimes that netted high values were the focus of law enforcement while now, crimes that disrupt a citizens way of like and is of concern has become the focus. These are but just a few ways the two contrasts. 5. How can government most effectively expand its commitment to customer service? Currently, the government has offered services online as well as post updated information to be reviewed by the public. These include; calls for services as some police departments, sheriff’s departments share information about sex offenders in the area as well as arrests and police reports on a daily basis. By providing this type of information to the public, it shows the government as being a willing participant in an effort to protect our communities.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sustainable Future Alternative Energy Philosophy Essay

Sustainable Future Alternative Energy Philosophy Essay Research into a Sustainable Future or alternative energy has been going on for roughly 30 years. In the beginning some scientist were faced with challenges by others who deemed that their work was only for their geographic areas, and not really for the use of all mankind. Later, more rigidly controlled studies were approached to ensure that all of mankind would benefit from this research to prove that it is indeed useful for everyone and not just one general area. Other studies were conducted and it showed that some places needs more alternative energy than other place, such as poverty places compared to urban areas of America. Over the past 30 years, scientists have demonstrated that alternative energy (water, wind, steam, and heat) resemble fossil fuel abilities more than ever possible. Just how close that resemblance extends, however, has been a matter of some controversy. Scientists agree that they have acquired fairly valuable grounds to the success of alternative energy and artificial materials, but they have drawn quite different conclusions in addressing the following questions: In an influential article, Laughlin (2010) argued that alternative energy experiments were not just focused on a certain part or group of the world but rather the fact that it based on experiments done for the whole world in general. Laughlin and his colleagues at Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (PADD) did extensive research of the cost of alternative energy and conventional energy, and what this means for the world to shed light on much needed attention. In fact, funding for these experiments were provided by key stakeholders on a voluntary basis to show understanding on how the prices compared and what deals the people obtain such resources will be getting out of theses resources. In retrospect, the conclusions of Michael D. Laughlin seem to have been premature. Although some alternative energy and conventional energy studies had not been rigorously controlled to eliminate cuing, even as early as the production era of America, the down fall of the stock market has pushed all expensive to a semi-halt, with the increase of buying these energies (Alternative Energy, 2010). Since 2000, researchers have diligently guarded against cuing. Perhaps the evidence that renewable energy is merely a response to cues is that mankind is indeed using more energy than that can be reproduced. Like many of the renewable energy studied, many have been in use for long time and others are being experimented with, such as solar energy, wind turbine energy, water energy, and steam energy (Alternative Energy, 2010). At the Alternative Energy Institute (AEI) founded in 1977 at West  Texas State University, Texas, USA, as an outgrowth of wind energy research begun in 1970. AEIs primary emphasis has been placed on wind energy, though certain research and education are also on solar energy. Recognized both nationally and internationally, AEI is proud to be the major information resource of wind energy for the State of Texas (Alternative Energy, 2010). Interesting fact is that this state is generally known for the gulf and all the oil production that goes on there and to see that this state is taking steps into wind turbines as an effort t o produce renewable energy is remarkable. The extent to which alternative energy and conventional energy spontaneously usage may depend on the amount of which it is being produced. Laughlin has been informing many around the world about his remarkable break through with the cost of this useful energy and the technique of operant conditioning, so that it is no surprise that one day will be manufacturing alternative and conventional energy at a lower cost than fossil fuel. Many other researchers have used conventional energy and are now taking an approach that parallels the process by which humans acquire most of. In an experimental study, alternative energy and conventional energy have shown significant (Alternative energy, 2010) contrasted two techniques, using electricity as their subject. They found that most of the renewable energy usage was significantly more than what they expected. How will mankind benefit from this research? There is considerable evidence that alternative energy have invented creative ideas. One the earliest and most controversial examples involved the Hoover dam of Nevada. Hoover dam, was a break through with hydropower plants which is capable of producing 24 percent of the worlds electricity and supply more than 1 billion people with power (Hydro plants, 1998). Researchers suggested that there was no basis for concluding that alternative energy was going to be the next big thing to happen since the production era Alternative Energy, 2010). Alternative energy was simply looked at another research project to Just do to get paid and never taken seriously until now that is. Other examples are not so easily explained away. Laughlin has suggested that by combining alternative energy and conventional energy will result in a cost effective manner for all of mankind since the discovery of fire (Alternative Energy, 2010). If one could think about all the possibilities of alternative energy and what this means for the future, everyone will know that taking the step into renewable resources can be what everyone will need. It seems as if the way mankind consumes natural resources and of course the daily burning of fossil fuels all result in the idea to expand on alternative energy. Any analyses report will end showing results that are all the same and that is production of alternative energy is what everyone will need, and this need will come so fast that it will get one thinking will there be enough of it when demand rockets sky high? Or is this problem concerning the same problem as conventional energy can we make it? Is alternative energy to solution to the depletion of fossil fuel? The early terms in which recycling can become difficult and easier said than done. However many years of research showed that Environmental Specialist have been through enormous efforts to find ways of acquiring alternative energy. An attempt to keep Hawaii sustainable for our youths of tomorrow depends whether or not everyone will take action to this problem. Factoid #20 did you know that Renewable energy is becoming cost-competitive with fossil fuels in the U.S' (Sustainable, 2010). What are you going to do? Previous attempts at sustainability have seemed to fail yet there is still another chance to take a shot at it again. This change is possible and truly depends on everyones input to this effort. What needs to happen for this to take place, which is simple and that is to ensure that everyone embracing the idea that alternative energy is the way to go. This can be different since some people who figure that it isnt their duty to conserve when the in the past mankind has ruined for others in the future. So therefore they dont feel responsible for what is going on today. However everyone is responsible for others actions because its one world and this means we need to police each other if we want this world to last, to show the future what it was to preserve it. Such as dependency on fossil fuels to operate mainly everything there is in this world. As time goes on we notice the dramatic increase on the depletion of fossil fuels. However there are alternative ways of power besides fossil fuels. In the turn of the century mankind is research with as many alternative energy as possible to reduce carbon emission given off from fossil fuel which adds to the global warming issue. (Sustainable, 2010). Meaning What does it mean to obtain a sustainable future is to ensure the safety of all mankind far and wide. The understanding of a sustainable future is related to like having an Army that will protect you no matter what happens but in this case its more like an Army that everyone must put a piece together to ensure that this Army is stand strong. It can only get stronger the more that mankind adds to it. By adding to it, is to ensure that people conserve and recycle their garbage daily. Such ways are make sure that you separate all metal, plastic, and other waste products in separate containers and dispose of properly. Although everyone will have there own meaning of a sustainable future there is one fact that can be concluded about all these unique definitions and that is that they all comes down to alternative energy. According to Farlex dictionary is states that sustainability is To keep in existence; maintain; to supply with necessities or nourishment; to provide for; to affirm the va lidity of; and to keep up (Farlex Inc, 2010) the natural resources and recycle to reuse. Therefore a sustainable future is stated more or less as a very serious situation in which we all must pay attention to. However as according to Investopedia renewable resources mean, A substance of economic value that can be replaced or replenished in the same amount or less time  as it takes  to draw the supply down. (Investopia, 2010).  Some renewable resources have essentially an endless supply, such as solar energy, wind energy and geothermal pressure, while other resources are considered renewable even though some time or effort must go into their renewal, such as wood, oxygen, leather and fish.  Most precious metals are considered renewable as well; even though they are not naturally replaced, they can be recycled  because they are not destroyed during their extraction and use.    What are the implications of the usage of alternative energy? Researchers are so impressed that they may help everyone world wide to come to an understanding of alternative energy. Pointing out that majority of the current generation are seeing this problem on daily basis that alternative energy is the way to go because of natural resources being used up quickly. The evolution of energy is on the breaking point and soon everyone will being producing their own renewable energy and who knows what would be next to replace the renewable energy. For example if everyone is using and reproducing it is there going to be problem of conserving it? However there is no explanation for that situation until we know what will happen. So as for now mankind is exposed to the renewable resource and all there is to do is embrace it for what it is. Renewable energy is all around us however it will take a lot to understand that the resources are very obtainable it more of when mankind will want to use it and when they wont depend so much on fossil fuels as much as they did before. Mankind can benefit from all of these researches conducted because due to the fact that all these researches really depend on the geographic locations of where they will be used. Due to the geographic location it can depend on what alternative energy can be produced and used more often than opposed to other locations. For example if a location doesnt naturally have hydro plants and the use of hydro plants are wanted then efforts to obtain resources to make this happen will be difficult and therefore this explains everything about how it depends on the geographic location. Modern day systems allow this unique attribute to take shape, because the technology is available to mankinds use. This understanding is true to know that alternative energy is available to mankind because there is reason to believe alternative energy is going become more valuable to the people of the 20th century then ever before. If this could happen to be know to mankind that alternative energy is something that must be looked upon as an important factor of life then everyone would take this aspect of life much more seriously. Consequences When you think about a more reliable future, there are more efficient ways to go about. However efforts to obtain and conserve the importance of a renewable future have only begun. There are many ways in which many around the world are pitching in to do their deeds to help a bigger cause. Therefore is an on going effort in which the cure has yet to come. The result of this is alternative energy. When mankind depletes natural resources faster than it can be replaced will result in the use of alternative energy (Renewable, 2005). A Sustainable future is one that now mankind are seeking knowing willing that the gases and carbon emission that came from factories in the past have tolled a dramatic affect on todays climates and weather patterns. Many can justify this as another multibillion-dollar project in which taxpayers will end up in the end paying out of their pockets because money is near dead squat just due the economical crisis. Understanding the meaning of conserving to many is just to simply look at the person next to you and say, hey that person isnt recycling or if that person doesnt do why should I do it and others will think that it is just another scam to just people to run crazy about cheaper and better products when in the end they end up paying or more for the same product in which they recycled. Many can say that even if they recycle, use electric instead of gas, or even use renewable energy that the effort will fall shy of its intended goal to universally change the world. However this concept is more gear to a different generation. However these generations that it is geared to are somewhat paying for the dept of the generation that came before them. Take a step back into history when America was in the production period of products, the so-called Manufactured period. In this era production line rained supreme, and anything that was being build was build with chemicals and harmful particles in which at the time wasnt known to the people as the people werent so educated upon the substances being added to toys to cars and even to your everyday values. This understanding comes from many years of research as to where history repeats itself. All throughout the existence of mankind, people never had a grasp on the importance of these harmful additives were going to impact the future. Now that the damage has been inflected in todays society todays generation are now paying the debt from the generation in the past. Considering the changes over the years and how modern technology has globalize and unify the world to come to an understanding that now we need to take a stand and ensure that alternative energy is a key concepts of mankind to survive. Now that generations are being more or well educated upon the sources and procedures they can take to ensure alternate energy is attain, this can ensure a brighter and better future. Such as electric cars, to hybrid cars, and even to hydro cars are one of many examples of how alternative energy can be embraced and be globalized to the modern society. The future has yet to be told and there are many reasons as to why the mankind race is the way they are. Billions of years later and there have been a tremendous expedition towards technology to find better ways of the use of alternative energy. To include all is to know it all many will disagree but to come to an understanding of alternative energy people will need find ways to get themselves well educated with the subject at hand. There are so many programs out there in the efforts of informing the people of the world that a sustainable future is a bright future in which we all can live in. Many today are pushing to find more alternative energy to ensure a better and brighter future for tomorrow. Just like the ethnicities of the world mankind has become so diverse that even in finding ways of alternative energy or renewable energy scientist want to find all or many diverse ways to share the concept of a sustainable future for Hawaii. Hawaii is well known for its natural beauty, and because of its natural beauty a sustainable future is the key to a bright future for tomorrows generation. In another walk of life trying to bring knowledge to the people has proven effective but yet not to complete, due to the fact that not everyone will be informed or educated well enough and just do because its the right thing to do, however to give them glance at what a sustainable environment will look like if one encountered. Many things can be taken out about this and that is no matter what happens there is a meaning for it and why it happened to be that way. No matter what though there hasnt been enough information passed along to ensure that a sustainable future is what we will see. However according the Sustainable Energy Coalition (SEC) brings together more than 60 national and state-level business, environmental, consumer, and energy policy organizations.  Ã‚   Founded in 1992, the Coalition promotes increased federal support for energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and reduced federal support for unsafe or polluting energy resources (Sustainable, 2010)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Sense of Proportion Essay -- British Empire, Conflict, War

More English soldiers died in the Great War than in any other British Empire conflict. Under the best of circumstances, this would have been a difficult burden to bear. Moreover, the manner of fighting shattered all romantic notions of noble and gallant warfare - there is nothing noble or gallant about trench warfare or poison gas. Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway is a novel that speaks to belated trauma and the cruelty of failing to face its realities. Much of this sentiment is expressed by the futile struggles of Septimus Smith, a psychologically maimed soldier who has returned from the Western Front. And, while feeling incapable of love contributes to Septimus’s demise, the immediate cause is the intensely evil conduct demonstrated by his doctor, Sir William Bradshaw. Septimus suffers from both a frozen heart and a stricken soul. Since his return from the war , now married for five years to Rezia from Milan, his life has been increasingly drab and unfulfilling, struggling as always to make sense of things, but without real success, except for some sporadic moments of clarity and self understanding. His mind and heart remain captives of his war sufferings, which he never really rises above. His affliction is ever-present and all encompassing regardless of where he happens to be or what he happens to be doing. Even his relationship with his wife appears to be null and non-existent, content as he is, he appears: â€Å"to talk to himself, to talk to a dead man, on the seat over there† (65). Septimus’s shell-shocked condition deteriorates so much in his postwar setting: â€Å"he descends another step into the pit†¦he dropped his head on his hands. Now he had surrendered; now other people must help him† (90). Dr. Holmes, a kindly, amia... ... gone to Sir William for a consultation. Her earlier experience with Sir William now connects her to Septimus and also validates the Smith’s fears in dealing with Sir William. Sir William, for Clarissa, is a messenger of terrible news. â€Å"Oh! Thought Clarissa, in the middle of my party, here’s death, she thought† (183). Sir William is for her a sinister and menacing force, and the sight of him â€Å"curls her up† (182). She recognizes him as an â€Å"extraordinary able† (183) doctor, but â€Å"yet to her obscurely evil, without sex or lust, extremely polite to women, but capable of some indescribable outrage – forcing your soul, that was it†(184). In Septimus, Clarissa not only sees her own mortality, but also feels a fleeting and fragile human existence which questions sin, guilt, evil, death, and redemption. Sir William is clearly the novel’s metaphor for evil par excellence.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Drag in aircrafts

There are four forces that act on an aircraft in flight: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. Aircraft’s motion in air is dependent on the relative magnitude and direction of these forces. Fig -1 below shows the direction of these forces. Fig 1 (Benson, 2006) The weight of an airplane is always directed towards the center of the earth. The thrust is normally directed forward along the center-line of the aircraft. Lift and drag are aerodynamic forces on the airplane.Drag acts in a direction opposite to the motion of the aircraft and hence is sometimes referred to as the aerodynamic friction, while lift force acts perpendicular to the motion. An aircraft is in a state of equilibrium when the thrust and drag are equal and opposite. It will continue to move forward at the same uniform speed. If thrust or drag becomes greater than the opposite force, the aircraft loses its state of equilibrium. If thrust is greater than drag, the aircraft will accelerate. If drag is greater than thrust, the aircraft will lose speed and eventually descend.When lift and weight are equal and opposite, the airplane is in a state of equilibrium. If lift is greater than weight, the aircraft will climb. If weight is greater than lift, the airplane will descend. Drag is the aerodynamic force encountered as an airplane pushes through the air, which tends to slow the airplane down. Drag is generated by the contact of a solid body with a fluid, in this case due to the interaction between the plane body and air. Drag force, which is a mechanical force, is generated by every part of the airplane including the engines.It is a vector quantity i. e. has both magnitude and direction. Drag must be overcome by thrust in order to achieve forward motion. Drag is generated by nine conditions associated with the motion of air particles over the aircraft. Although prediction of drag and wind tunnel drag measurements of models yield good results, final drag evaluation must be obtained by flight tests. Sou rces of Drag in aircrafts Drag can be thought of as aerodynamic friction, and one of the sources of drag is the skin friction between the molecules of the air and the solid surface of the aircraft.Drag can also be thought of as aerodynamic resistance to the motion of the object through the fluid. This source of drag depends on the shape of the aircraft and is called form drag. As air flows around a body, the local velocity and pressure are changed. Since pressure is a measure of the momentum of the gas molecules and a change in momentum produces a force, a varying pressure distribution will produce a force on the body. This causes pressure drag. As an aircraft approaches the speed of sound, shock waves are generated along the surface.There is a drag penalty, known as wave drag that is associated with the formation of the shock waves. The magnitude of the wave drag depends on the Mach number of the flow. Ram drag is associated with slowing down the free stream air as air is brought i nside the aircraft. Jet engines and cooling inlets on the aircraft are sources of ram drag. (Benson, 2006) There is an additional drag component caused by the generation of lift, known as induced drag, is the drag due to lift. It is also called â€Å"drag due to lift† because it only occurs on finite, lifting wings.This drag occurs because the flow near the wing tips is distorted span wise as a result of the pressure difference from the top to the bottom of the wing. Swirling vortices are formed at the wing tips, which produce a downwash of air behind the wing which is very strong near the wing tips and decreases toward the wing root. The local angle of attack of the wing is increased by the induced flow of the down wash, giving this, downstream-facing, component to the aerodynamic force acting over the entire wing. Types of Drag in aircrafts There are several types of drag: form, pressure, skin friction, parasite, induced, wave and ram.However, form, pressure, skin friction, wave and ram drags are collectively known as parasite drag. Hence, there are only two types of drag: parasite and induced Parasite drag – Profile or parasite drag is caused by the airplane pushing the air out of the way as it moves forward. The parasite drag of a typical airplane consists primarily of the skin friction, roughness, and pressure drag of the major components. Some additional parasite drag is also due to things like fuselage upsweep, control surface gaps, base areas, and other extraneous items.The basic parasite drag area for airfoil and body shapes can be computed from the following expression: f = k cf Swet, where the skin friction coefficient, cf , which is based on the exposed wetted area includes the effects of roughness, and the form factor, k, accounts for the effects of both super-velocities and pressure drag. Swet is the total wetted area of the body or surface. Computation of the overall parasite drag requires that we compute the drag area of each of t he major components (fuselage, wing, nacelles and pylons, and tail surfaces) and then evaluate the additional parasite drag components described above.Hence it is written as: CDp = S ki cfi Sweti / Sref + CDupsweep + CDgap+ CDnac_base + CDmisc, where the first term includes skin friction, and pressure drag at zero lift of the major components. cfi is the average skin friction coefficient for a rough plate with transition at flight Reynolds number. Equivalent roughness is determined from flight test data. (http://adg. stanford. edu/aa241/drag/parasitedrag. html) Induced drag – Induced drag is the part of the force produced by the wing that is parallel to the relative wind, i. e. the lift.As it is a consequence of the vortices it is sometimes called vortex drag. Induced drag is least at minimum AOA and is greatest at the maximum AOA i. e. angle of attack. Induced drag = (k ? CL? / A) ? Q ? S where A is the wing aspect ratio. (Preston, R) The magnitude of induced drag depends on the amount of lift being generated by the wing and on the wing geometry Long, thin (chord wise) wings have low induced drag; short wings with a large chord have high induced drag. An airplane must fight its way through both kinds of drag in order to maintain steady flight.. Total drag is a sum of Parasite and Induced drag. Total Drag = Parasite drag + Induced drag However, the total drag of an aircraft is not simply the sum of the drag of its components. When the components are combined into a complete aircraft, one component can affect the air flowing around and over the airplane, and hence, the drag of one component can affect the drag associated with another component. These effects are called interference effects, and the change in the sum of the component drags is called interference drag. Thus, (Drag)1+2 = (Drag)1 + (Drag)2 + (Drag)interference (Johnston, D)Generally, interference drag will add to the component drags but in a few cases, for example, adding tip tanks to a wing , total drag will be less than the sum of the two component drags because of the reduction of induced drag. Total drag and its variation with altitude The equation for total drag is: D = CD x S x ? rV2 (Preston, R) where, CD is the coefficient of drag. It must be subdivided into two parts, the Cdi (Coefficient of induced drag) and CDp (Coefficient of parasite drag. ). Therefore it can be written as: D = (Cdi + Cdp) x S x ? rV2 (Preston, R)The airplane's total drag determines the amount of thrust required at a given airspeed. Thrust must equal drag in steady flight. Lift and drag vary directly with the density of the air. As air density increases, lift and drag increase and as air density decreases, lift and drag decrease. Thus, both lift and drag will decrease at higher altitudes. Fig 1 shows the total drag curve which represents drag against velocity of the object. The fuel-flow versus velocity graph for an air graph is derived from this graph, and generally looks as shown in Fig 2 Fig – 1 (Preston, R) Fig – 2 (Preston, R) From the above drag it is seen that the total drag is minimum at a certain velocity. This occurs when the parasitic drag is equal to the induced drag. Below this speed induced drag dominates, and above this speed parasite drag dominates. Design engineers are interested in minimizing the total drag. Unfortunately many factors may conflict. For example, longer wing span reduces induced drag, but the larger frontal area usually means a higher coefficient of parasite drag. Conversely, a high wing loading (i. e.a small wing) with a small aspect ratio produces the lowest possible parasite drag but unfortunately is the produces for a lot of induced drag. In recent time it is seen that jet airliners have longer wings, to reduce induced drag, and then fly at higher altitudes to reduce the parasite drag. This causes no improvement in aerodynamic efficiency, but the higher altitudes do result in more efficient engine operation. (Preston, R) Angle of Attack (AOA), is the angle between the wing and the relative wind. Everything else being costant, an increase in AOA results in an increase in lift.This increase continues until the stall AOA is reached then the trend reverses itself and an increase in AOA results in decreased lift. The pilot uses the elevators to change the angle of attack until the wings produce the lift necessary for the desired maneuver. Besides AOA other factors also contribute to the production of lift, like relative wind velocity and air density i. e. temperature and altitude. Changing the size or shape of the wing (lowering the flaps) will also change the production of lift. Airspeed is absolutely necessary to produce lift.If there is no airflow past the wing, no air can be diverted downward. At low airspeed, the wing must fly at a high AOA to divert enough air downward to produce adequate lift. As airspeed increases, the wing can fly at lower AOAs to produce the needed lift. This is why airplane s flying relatively slow must be nose high (like an airliner just before landing or just as it takes off) but at high airspeeds fly with the fuselage fairly level. The key is that the wings don't have to divert fast moving air down nearly as much as they do to slow moving air.Air density also contributes to the wing's ability to produce lift. This is manifested primarily in an increase in altitude, which decreases air density. As the density decreases, the wing must push a greater volume of air downward by flying faster or push it down harder by increasing the angle of attack. This is why aircraft that fly very high must either go very fast e. g. Mach 3, or must have a very large wing for its weight. This is why the large passenger airplanes cruise at higher altitude to reduce drag, and hence save on the furl costs.(â€Å"Aircraft for Amateurs†, 1999) Small sized aircrafts have lower than normal Reynolds number. The drag coefficient attributable to skin friction is hence high er for the small aircraft. For this reason, the maximum lift-drag ratios characteristic of business jet aircraft tend to be lower than those of the large transports. Hence, the smaller flights can fly at relatively lower altitudes. References Books John A. Roberson & Clayton T. Crowe, 1997, Engineering fluid Mechanics, 6th ed. , John Weily & Sons Inc. , ISBN 0-471-14735-4.Clement Klienstreuer, 1997, Engineering Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-49670-5 Websites â€Å"Aircraft for Amateurs†, 11th Jan. 1999 http://www. fas. org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/intro. htm Benson, T. , â€Å"The Beginner’s guide to Aeronautics†. , 14th March 2006 http://www. grc. nasa. gov/WWW/K-12/////airplane/ Johnston, D. , â€Å"Drag†, http://www. centennialofflight. gov/essay/Theories_of_Flight/drag/TH4. htm â€Å"Parasitic Drag†, http://adg. stanford. edu/aa241/drag/parasitedrag. html Preston, R. , â€Å"Total Drag† and â€Å"Flight Controls† , http://selair. selkirk. bc. ca/aerodynamics1/